Everyday Carry (EDC): How Much is TOO Much?

Everyday Carry (EDC): How Much is TOO Much?

(ModernSurvival.org) – Survival situations can arise without notice anywhere, at any time. This is why everyday carry (EDC) load-outs have become a popular subject in prepper circles. Having basic survival gear on hand when away from home is highly recommended. But is there a point when a person is carrying too much gear?

Don’t Overdo It

The whole point of having an EDC kit is to be prepared for an emergency without drawing attention to oneself or, worse, hindering one’s ability to survive. Small pocket survival kits and basic necessities such as a flashlight and pocket knife are ideal. But it may be too much if the gear requires cargo pants that are bulging at the seams.

Here are some basic guidelines to consider so as not to overdo EDC gear:

  • Keep it comfortable. An EDC kit is supposed to be carried every day. Being weighed down with too much or bulky gear can become uncomfortable. Additionally, carrying too much can slow a person down and hinder their movement.
  • Easy access. Knowing where each item is and how to access it quickly is vital — fumbling through pockets to find the correct item costs valuable time in an emergency.
  • Keep it simple. Don’t overcomplicate the EDC with overly specific items or items inappropriate for the surrounding environment. The articles should be general-purpose and suited for the day-to-day areas a person visits.
  • Don’t break gray man. Walking around town armed to the teeth, looking like Rambo, will draw unnecessary attention. The idea behind an EDC kit is to be stealthy about being prepared. Survival gear should remain hidden unless needed. It should never paint a target on someone’s back.

Having a lot of survival gear on hand is great when needed, but the bulk should be in a bug-out bag or a get-home bag — not in the EDC kit. To see what items should be included in a well-rounded EDC load, check out our article here.

~Here’s to Your Survival!

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