Why Do You Need To Be Prepared?

Why Do You Need To Be Prepared?

(ModernSurvival.org) – Before the recent virus outbreak, the media had a tendency to paint preppers in a negative light. Shows such as Doomsday Preppers made survivalists and preppers look like fringe lunatics. In truth, preppers have very little in common with the examples portrayed on television.

Not every prepper is waiting for the government to come knocking, or for the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI). Most preppers are simply looking to become more self-sufficient, and better prepared to handle whatever life happens to throw at them. Just like we are taught as children in the old fables “The Grasshopper and the Ant” and “The Three Little Pigs,” those who prepare for the worst are the ones who survive it.

To understand why you need to be prepared, ask yourself one simple question: How prepared are you to face a biological threat, natural disaster, terrorist attack, another pandemic, or mass civil unrest? 

The Times are Changing

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the media changed their tune about preppers. Publications such as the New York Times and LA Times began to run articles giving advice from preppers on how to handle the chaos. In fact, many preppers stepped up to help those who were caught unprepared for the turmoil following the virus and subsequent panic buying. That’s a far cry from the greedy, selfish, and reclusive image that used to be associated with preppers.

Unfortunately, as the public image of prepping is changing for the better, the state of the world seems to be changing as well. Preppers stepped up to help those in need because there was a need — a big one. Too many people were caught with their guard down, which is exactly why it is so important to prepare for the worst before it happens.

Considering the pandemic is still here, civil unrest is rampant, and political strife has the population divided, it’s more important than ever for you to take action toward survival preparedness. There has never been a more important time for family and friends to come together and have detailed conversations about disaster and survival prepping.

Contemplate This…

It’s next to impossible to tackle every aspect of survival preparation at once. Not all plans fit all people either. It’s important to begin now so you can identify what works for you and your family. Begin by following simple and practical steps. Identify and understand what you’re preparing for, and why you’re doing it.

Here are 5 reasons to consider becoming a prepper:

  1. Disaster planning results in better knowledge of what to do in an emergency situation. It also increases your potential to stay safe and secure.
  2. Training survival skills will help you know when and how to react, giving you an advantage in every situation.
  3. Prepping allows you to supply yourself and others with emergency food, water, weapons, gear, and other necessary survival supplies.
  4. Being prepared ahead of time gives you greater peace of mind and less stress in a crisis or disaster situation.
  5. Preparing now ensures the best possible outcome of safety and survivability for you and your loved ones.

As a society, we must start thinking differently about how we approach safety, security, and preparedness to ensure we survive whatever obstacles come our way. We must begin NOW, not after the crisis has begun. We must learn how to be self-sufficient. Families must learn to meet their basic survival needs without having to rely on public or private assistance.

For those who prepare now, the ability to overcome the next disaster they face increases drastically. Not only will they be better off, but just like the preppers who helped their neighbors, they too will be able to help those in need.

Think of it this way: we buy car insurance, life, health, homeowner’s, and renter’s insurance. Why wouldn’t we invest in the ones we love by preparing for an emergency ahead of time — essentially, obtaining survival insurance? If you need more convincing to begin prepping, check out our article here, which explains why preparation is your civic duty.

~Here’s to Your Survival!

Copyright 2023, ModernSurvival.org

Modern Survival Tips

Our mission and purpose at Modern Survival is to help people prepare for the unknown. Modern Survival helps keep its members informed, protected, happy and healthy no matter what they encounter. Enjoy these tips as you prep for the future. To Your Survival!

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