Black Friday Scams to Avoid


PROTECT Yourself on Black Friday – Here’s How!

( – Black Friday is arguably the biggest shopping day of the year. People line up in front of stores, waiting for a chance to score big deals when the doors finally open. For those who aren’t into shopping in person, online retailers have now joined the madness of Black Friday. With so much money being exchanged, it’s no surprise that scammers look to cash in on the spending spree.

Unfortunately, these criminals have become experts at ripping people off. Their tactics cover a wide range, making it important to recognize the methods they employ before getting scammed. Here’s what to watch out for:

Fake Websites

Major retailers put out notoriously big sales for Black Friday, including on their online retail sites. Scammers take advantage of this by creating fake websites that are near-perfect mirrors of their official counterparts. The goal is to lure customers into purchasing items from fake websites — which means they’ll spend money on products they will never actually get.

Not only can scammers trick unknowing consumers into spending money, but these websites also steal important information from victims. This information may include credit card numbers, passwords, and in some cases, even Social Security numbers.

Often, these websites can be identified by closely examining the address (URL). Most scam sites will use nearly identical addresses, with minor variations that are easy to overlook.

Email/Text Message

Text messages and emails asking for updated payment information are two ways scammers commonly cheat people. Again, these attempts appear to come from legitimate sources, such as big chain retailers like Amazon, Target, or Walmart.

According to Avanan, an online security company, recent attacks have come in the guise of outrageous Amazon receipts. The messages will link directly to the actual Amazon website. However, the phone number listed in the message will go to the scammers. When a victim calls to dispute a large order, the criminals request payment information to issue a refund or to “look up” the fake order. Just like that, the sneaky scammers have a person’s phone number and other sensitive information.

What makes this new scam so dangerous is that the email a victim receives contains legitimate links, which help it bypass spam filters. It also makes the email seem genuine even though it isn’t.

With all of this in mind, be extra careful this holiday season before placing any orders online or responding to questionable messages. For more information on how to avoid identity theft, check out our article on the subject here.

~Here’s to Your Survival!

Copyright 2022,

Modern Survival Tips

Modern Survival is a publication that encourages its readers to be prepared citizens who can self-sustain, particularly in the aftermath of a large-scale or grid-down disaster. Their philosophy is to help individuals learn how to be ruggedly self-reliant, rather than reliant on the government, emergency services, or their extended families, neighbors, and friends in the wake of an emergency situation.

After a major disaster, emergency services and police protection are typically stretched extremely thin. Being prepared to survive after a disaster allows first responders to respond to those who need their help most. Survivalists seek to free up emergency services, resources, and assistance, effectively moving themselves to the back of the priority line because they have the skills to survive, and sometimes thrive, while others may not.

Life is full of unknowns, and it doesn’t take events like a major natural disaster or man-made terror attack for survival skills to be useful. In addition to the worst-case scenarios most people imagine, there are many everyday survival situations that individuals and families run into, as well. From ice storms to getting lost in the woods, Modern Survival shares tips to help readers brush up on their survival skills.

Modern Survival’s mission is to help people and families prepare to face the unknown, and come out on the other side. From wilderness survival tips to building a prepper pantry, this publication is dedicated to educating readers in the skills of our predecessors. They believe that modern society has effectively eliminated survival education, and they’re committed to bringing awareness to as many readers as possible.

As one of the most useful survival resources on the web, Modern Survival provides weekly news, tips, resources, tactics, and even skill development courses. They aim to keep their readers informed, protected, healthy, and happy, no matter what life brings their way.

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