Some people can’t sleep without special pajamas. Others need a warm glass of milk or a fan blowing on them. It’s not uncommon for people to have very specific sleeping habits, including placing certain items on their nightstands. The following clip shows one item everyone should keep next to them when they go to bed:
That’s right — the item is your car keys. As the video shows the panic button on your fob can be used as a makeshift alarm system. Should someone break into your home in the middle of the night, setting off the car alarm is one way to alert the neighbors that something is amiss.
Prep is the name of the game, and you should confirm you can activate your car’s alarm from your bedroom. If not, you may need to find a different place to park your automobile while sleeping. Additionally, you can use this defensive measure whether at home or away as long as you are near your car when an emergency occurs.
The effectiveness of a deterrent for would-be invaders and other forms of trouble varies depending on the make, model, and year of the vehicle. Of course, many people depend on their dogs to alert them and deter criminals. Check out this article explaining how you can train your dog to protect your property.
Did you know that keeping your car keys nearby is a great way to alert the neighbors to trouble in the middle of the night? Reply to your email and let us know, we would love to hear from you!
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