Survival Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Survival Tips and Tricks

Many people show an interest in embracing a more self-reliant, survival-based lifestyle – but they aren’t sure where to begin. The sheer volume of information out there can be quite intimidating when one starts to look into it. Thankfully, many preppers are more than willing to share their knowledge with newcomers.


In the following video, provides the top ten survival skills everyone should know:

Regardless of your knowledge or experience, you won’t get far if you don’t have the correct mindset. This brings us to our first tip: Master your attitude. You need to be able to keep a positive attitude if you want to survive, so you won’t have time to feel sorry for yourself. It’s important to stay composed during tough situations.

Another huge part of surviving is the ability to make a shelter. Depending on the climate you’re in, you may need to make one that’s insulated from the cold or one that’s shaded from the sun. Keep in mind that you’re not building a mansion; keep it small and simple so it’s easier to create and maintain.

Even with a solid shelter and other tools at your disposal, you’ll need to know how to make fire if you want to survive after SHTF. Start practicing different methods now to figure out what works best for you. This skill is not one you want to be learning after you need it.

There’s more to surviving than just having the correct attitude and gear; even someone with the most advanced survival equipment will die if they don’t have the skill to use it.

Survival sometimes depends on having the ability to keep others calm during a chaotic situation. Practicing these skills might not only help you and others in the long run, but they could also someday save your life.

Do you have any valuable tips that someone starting into the survival lifestyle could benefit from? Did you find this article to be helpful? Reply to your email and let us know!

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