How to Defend Your Home During Civil Unrest
As tensions get higher and higher between the American people, your safety could be threatened. Police and firefighters are unlikely to provide assistance during...
Green Beret Bug-Out Tips
While sheltering in place may seem like the best option, there are times when you need to bug-out. Who better to get tips from...
Choosing Land for a Survival Location
Shelter is something that is better to be proactive about rather than reactive. This means it’s better to have a plan before being put...
How to Prepare Emergency Water Storage
Water is easily one of the most important aspects of survival. Just three days without water in even the most ideal conditions can be...
How to Collect Potable Water When Stranded at Sea
It started out as a great getaway on the water. The fishing was fantastic and the trip was going well — right up until...
How to Apply an Improvised Tourniquet to Yourself
Severe bleeding is one of the most dramatic first aid emergencies — and also one of the most lethal. A severed artery in an...
Starting a Fire Using Wet Wood
When you’re cold and wet outdoors, getting a fire going is one of your top priorities. Before you do that, you’ll want to have...
Distress Signals 101
When you’re lost or stranded, and your cell phone doesn’t have reception, what do you do? Distress signals give you the ability to let...
Growing Your Own Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is clearly needed as the beginning of 2020 has shown. However, not only is the supply chain fragile, but it might not...
Dehydrated Meals: How to Make Your Own
There’s no shortage of ways to prepare food. However, not all are equal as some taste better and others last much longer depending on...