Survival Skills

Sweet Tooth? Check Out These Sugar & Gum Alternatives

Natural Ways to Sedate a Sweet Tooth

A lot of people love candy and all things sweet. These treats provide a sense of joy, and can even boost morale when times...
Ancient Food Preservation Technique for Modern Times

Ancient Food Preservation Technique for Modern Times

Before the invention of refrigerators, people had to get creative to store food without it going rancid. For those who embrace a survivalist mindset,...
Sunlight for Survival

Sunlight for Survival

As a survivalist, knowing how to use mother nature to stay alive is a vital skill to develop. This means learning how to forage...
DIY Hair Shampoo

DIY Hair Shampoo

In a survival situation, such as a grid-down event, maintaining personal hygiene will be incredibly important. Staying clean could be the difference between keeping...
Friends, Family… Meet Prepping

Friends, Family… Meet Prepping

If the rollercoaster year of 2020 taught us anything, it’s that people who prep aren’t as crazy as they’re made out to be. The...

Lost Art: Navigation Without GPS

There’s no doubt that modern technology, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) and other mapping apps, have made travel more convenient. But that...
From-Scratch Butter in a Stand Up Mixer

From-Scratch Butter in a Stand Up Mixer

Many people are adopting a lifestyle of self-reliance and preparedness. From gardening and canning to solar and wind power, they realize that the need...
Survival Tips and Tricks

Survival Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Many people show an interest in embracing a more self-reliant, survival-based lifestyle - but they aren't sure where to begin. The sheer volume of...
Double Your Radio Range For Next to Nothing

Double Your Radio Range For Next to Nothing

Radios are a great way to communicate with others, especially if cell phones are down. However, radios do have a limited range in which...
Picking the Best Martial Arts Class For You

Picking the Best Martial Arts Class For You

The ability to defend yourself can prove invaluable should you ever come into a situation requiring self-defense skills. But how do you know which...

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