Multi-Purpose Product Probably in Your Wallet


What could be in your wallet or purse that’s a multi-purpose survival tool? Surprisingly, it’s a prophylactic sheath. Many may be saying a prophylactic what? Others likely question how a “rubber” could ever be used for survival outside of its intended use.

With a little ingenuity, a prophylactic sheath can be extremely useful. Reality Survival  explains one major way this item comes in handy in the following video:

For those in the military, these items in survival kits may not surprise them since they are listed as necessary in the Army’s official survival handbook.

As stated in the video above, non-lubricated ones are the best, especially for water, which is the number one reason to have them in your survival kit. One can carry two liters of water.

Let’s look at some other reasons:

  • Fire Starters. You can use them to start a fire or carry flammable materials such as cotton, dryer lint, newspaper, etc.
  • Gun Protection. These can be put over a rifle or gun barrel to keep them free from moisture and dirt.
  • First Aid. You can use them as a rubber glove or a tourniquet.
  • Phone Protection. They work great to waterproof your phone.
  • Small Game Hunter. You can easily turn one into a slingshot or a fishing bobber.

As you can see, there are numerous uses besides just protecting your little troopers from going where they shouldn’t. As mentioned before, these are great for small game hunting, but if you don’t have one on you, there are other options. Learn some different ways to catch small game animals here.

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